Tammy Beatse 3446 Beaver Run Dr. I support the relocation of DOC monument, it glorifies confederacy,names park Confederate Park, does not offer historical info that is not offered at other locations on square. The shape of the walkways was designed to replicate the confederate flag, it says so on a marker. Stop denying the origins of the design and monument, they were placed as forms of intimidation and this needs to be corrected.
Tammy Beatse 3446 Beaver Run Dr. I support the relocation of DOC monument, it glorifies confederacy,names park Confederate Park, does not offer historical info that is not offered at other locations on square. The shape of the walkways was designed to replicate the confederate flag, it says so on a marker. Stop denying the origins of the design and monument, they were placed as forms of intimidation and this needs to be corrected.